Your Posture Means Magic: My New Mantra & the Masterpiece of Your LIFE

Nina Gruenewald Life Coach Canberra

Do you ever feel down?

I know right?

The other day I noticed once again how absolutely powerful my posture is.

I felt pretty low in energy and down.

I had these horse blinders on, sitting around overthinking things and focusing on the details. I found it hard to be creative. I also was a little unhappy. And then I noticed my posture being all crumpled up like a piece of paper.

No wonder!, I thought.

Straighten your back, roll your shoulders back, lift your head up high.


Take a deep breath.

Let your ribs expand.

Instead of looking down, frowning – look up and look wide.

This has become my new mantra.


Look up + look wide

My new mantra is this: Look up and look wide — and you’ll just learn to navigate the sky.

Do you ever feel like you are standing at the edge of a cliff that you’ve been running towards? And then you stop short. Because you are scared. But you know it’s time to fly?

I know the feeling.

So, let me share this with you:

At first you will get sick from looking down. Maybe you will feel funny in your head and a little overwhelmed. But when you jump and fly, you will learn to navigate the sky. You will learn to make use of the clouds, you will learn how to use the wind, you will learn how to fly with the least effort, to go with the flow and to trust.

So, change your posture to that of an elegant eagle.

Look into the sky, take in the vastness of life.

Clasp your hands behind your back and open your chest.

Take another deep breath in.

Put on a fantastically fun song and dance your heart out until you get a laugh attack.

You got this.

You get to decide.

You are a masterpiece.

You are the missing piece that we need.

You have so much to give and you already have it all.

It’s your time to shine bright.

You have one masterpiece to work on in your life. It’s yourself. You are your own masterpiece.

Every brush stroke counts. Every new layer of paint makes the canvas thicker and stronger. You get to choose the colours and shapes you want to add.

Every thing you learn and go through is part of the masterpiece that is you.

Never reject a part of you.

You are IT.

Never underestimate the power and meaning of every moment of your life.

And never underestimate the power of your posture, your body, the air around you and how you present yourself to the world.

This is what you should be thinking about

Who you are in this moment in time and who do you want to be?

You get one life. You decide how you’re gonna spend it.

How do you want to spend it?

And how do you REALLY want to spend it?

And how does the person you are envisioning move through her day? How does she walk down the street?

Move like that.

Walk like that.

Take on that posture.

Your eyes may end up higher because you straightened your back and with your eyes higher, you get a wider view, you can see further and you may just see opportunities you didn’t see before.

Embody it now.



PS. Whenever you’re ready…

If you want to get clearer on your purpose, learn to love yourself, find the courage to step into your vision and make a difference in the world  – let’s have a powerful non-binding conversation! I know you are here for a reason and I’d love to support you further. My support looks like this: You talk. You tell me about your dreams and your struggles. I listen. We play. Your life changes.

I’ve seen it time and time again. I’m ready when you are.


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A Basket of Dreams 🧺💭


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